Sister Act Auditions Form

ActUp Theater presents Sister Act this Fall! The memorable and humorous musical drama has captivated screens and hearts in audiences across the globe. Now you have the opportunity to be a part of the unforgettable cast of Sister Act and bring the production to life!

Delores Van Cartier. Sister Mary Robert. Mother Superior. And more

We are looking for confident male and female singers and dancers for lead roles and  ensemble.

Sopranos altos, tenors, & bass! Comedians, chorus members, actors, singers, and dancers. Experienced and non-experienced performers are welcome.

We encourage community members of all cultural backgrounds to join us! We are a community theater that wants to see you on the stage!

Audition Details 

DATES: September 25 - 27, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM (choose only one)
MANDATORY CALLBACKS: Thursday, September 28
LOCATION: Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts,15 Vernon St, Hartford, CT 06106


Any questions please contact 860.453.0600 or email

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